Search Computing
Search Computing (Seco) is a project funded by the European Research Council (ERC), responding to the 2008 Call for "IDEAS Advanced Grants", a program dedicated to the support of investigation-driven frontier research.
Challenge | Books | Workshops and VLDB Journal Special Issue | Software and Demonstrators | Materials | Blog
Search computing focuses on building the answers to complex search queries like "Where can I attend an interesting conference in my field close to a sunny beach?" by interacting with a constellation of cooperating search services, using ranking and joining of results as the dominant factors for service composition. By leveraging the peculiar features of search services, the project devises query approaches, execution plans, plan optimization techniques, query configuration tools, and exploratory user interfaces. [more...].

Stefano Ceri presented Search Computing in a keynote at the TOOLS/ICMT 2010 conference.
(Courtesy of the Tools Series Conferences)

Web Information Retrieval (Springer) This book covers the needs of a short course on Information Retrieval. It is focused on the Web, but it starts with Web-independent foundational aspects that should be known as required background. [Materials][Buy]
"Search Computing - Structured Integration of Web Data Sources" (Springer LNCS 7538) collects the outcomes of the third year of the project and of the several Workshops held in 2011: ExploreWeb at ICWE 2011, Very Large Data Search at VLDB 2011, DBRank also at VLDB 2011, DATAVIEW at ECOWS 2011, and OrdRing at ISWC 2011. [more...]
"Search Computing - Trends and Developments" (Springer LNCS 6585) collects the outcomes of the second year of the project and of the second SeCo Workshop held in May 2010. [more...]
"Search Computing - Challenges and Directions" (Springer LNCS 5950) provides a unified view of the results of the first year of the project. [more...]
Workshops and VLDB Journal Special Issue
SECO is promoting two workshops in 2012: CrowdSearch at WWW2012, and Very Large Data Search (VLDS) at VLDB 2012. SECO is also promoting a special issue of the VLDB Journal. [more...]
Software and Demonstrators
The SeCo concepts are being implemented in a comprehensive architectural infrastructure. Several demonstrators are already available, so to allow first-hand experiments with the join of services, the exploratory paradigm, the multiple visualization of results (tabular, map, and parallel coordinates), and the functioning of the SeCo Execution Engine. [more...]. An open source version of the Search Computing software will be soon available for download. [more...]
A specific research line on crowdsourcing has spawned from the Search Computing project, under the name CrowdSearcher. A dedicated Web site has been set up, where you can find associated papers, demos, and events.
All the materials produced by the project are available online. You can find publications, patents, deliverables, invited talks, meeting presentations, course materials, and so on.
The technology watch blog is a repository of classified links to news, products, and researches that are relevant for Search Computing.